SRHA Ranch Riding

Ranch riding is a relatively new western event within the AQHA, that has been quickly growing in popularity. It is a fun test of skill which can benefit both young and veteran horses.

The ranch riding horse should display the versatility, attitude and movement characteristic of a good working horse. The class is judged on the horse's ability to work at a forward, working speed while performing the required and optional manoeuvres. Emphasis is placed on quality of movement, smooth transitions, overall manners, and responsiveness while performing the manoeuvres with light contact. A pattern in Ranch Riding is scored in point scale similar to reining, with 70 denoting a standard performance.

The required manoeuvres of a ranch riding pattern are the walk, jog and lope (both directions), the extended trot and extended lope at least one direction as well as stops, back and one change of direction. The optional manoeuvres that may appear in a ranch riding pattern include the sidepass, turns of 360 degrees or more, change of lead (simple or flying), walk, jog or lope over poles or other basic manoeuvres a ranch horse may perform.

AQHA Ranch Riding Patterns and helpful information can be found at:
Although SRHA Ranch Riding classes are not AQHA affiliated classes, they will accord with AQHA rules, as presented in the current AQHA handbook. (Handbook can be found here.)

Helpful Articles:

For insights into how Ranch Riding is judged, take a look at the following videos for an AQHA judge’s perspective on successful Ranch Riding runs.

General Class Rules

SRHA Ranch Riding will follow AQHA Ranch Riding rules and patterns as specified in sections SHW415 - SHW419 of the AQHA Handbook..

Show Equipment Rules

SRHA Ranch Riding will follow AQHA rules as specified under section “SHW305 WESTERN EQUIPMENT,” starting on page 102 of the 2023 AQHA Official HandBook.

SHF Heritage Circuit Approval:

  • Ranch Riding at July and August SRHA Summer Series Shows are approved for Heritage Circuit Points!

  • You must be an SHF member and be nominated to the SHF Heritage Circuit to qualify to receive points and be eligible for year end awards. Memberships and Heritage nominations can be completed online at the Sask. Horse Federatrion’s website. More details are available here!

  • SHF’s Ranch Horse document is another great resource to learn about what Ranch classes are all about and how they are judged.

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